Three Tips For Buying A Fixer-Upper

Buying a fixer-upper can be a good way to get a home at an affordable price if you don't have a lot of money. As cleverly illustrated in the movie The Money Pit starring Tom Hanks, purchasing a home that needs some TLC can quickly end up costing more money and time than you were expecting. Here are three tips for picking out the right renovation project that won't end up destroying your bank account or your sanity.

Ways to Evaluate the Financial Condition of an HOA Before Buying a Condo

Condos are multi-family homes located in communities that have homeowner's associations (HOAs), and these types of homes are great for people who are looking for maintenance-free living. If you are thinking of buying a condo and would like to find the perfect one for your needs, you should contact a real-estate agent today. The agent can help you find homes within your budget that meet your needs, and your agent can also help you evaluate the financial condition of the HOA before you buy the condo.

Tips For Staging Your Home Without Draining Your Savings

If you're getting ready to list your home for sale, your real estate agent may suggest that you spend some time staging the house before you schedule any showings or open house events. If you're not familiar with the process, it can seem to be an expensive proposition. The good news is that you can stage your home without having to stretch your budget. Here are a few tips to help you stage the house without tapping out your savings.